selected publications

story for ad france
march issue, 2023

story for residence
october issue, 2023

story for harper’s bazaar
summer issue, 2023

story for elle decoration nl
july issue, 2023

story for elle korea
january issue, 2023

story for ad españa
march issue, 2023

story for harper’s bazaar
november issue, 2022

story for elle decoration nl
october issue, 2022

story for attitude
october issue, 2022

story for elle decoration nl
july kitchen issue, 2023

fresh eyes by gup magazine
best photo talent, 2019

story for ad italia
march issue, 2023

story for elle decoration nl
november issue, 2022

cover for residence
october issue, 2022

feature in allkinds
100 irish artists, 2020

story for designer’s next
by beta plus, 2023

story for ad germany
march issue, 2023

story for scandinavian living
april issue, 2023

fresh eyes by gup magazine
best photo talent, 2022

story for life & thyme post
the reboot issue, 2020

story for elle decoration uk
march issue, 2023

story for andc magazine
june issue, 2018


2023 | ad france, ‘chez des icônes du style : voici comment vivent linda tol et renwe jules aux pays-bas’.
2023 | ad germany, ‘zu hause bei stilikonen: so leben linda tol und renwe jules im niederländischen haarlem’.
2023 | ad italia, ‘ad entra nella casa di linda tol e renwe jules, per un tour della loro raffinata townhouse’.
2023 | ad france, ‘la quintessence du style français dans un studio parisien de 28 m2’.
2023 | ad germany, ‘french style auf kleinem raum: dieses studio in paris hat nur 28 quadratmeter!’.
2023 | dezeen, ‘dab studio lines kitchen of dutch home with oak and afromosia wood’.
2023 | elle decoration vietnam, ‘sắc màu nhiệt đới trong căn hộ phong cách mid-century’.
2023 | elle decoration netherlands, ‘de eginstill-woonkeuken van barbara giessen’.
2023 | elle decoration netherlands, ‘hoe realiseer je jouw droomkeuken?’.
2023 | yellowtrace, ‘brazilian, balinese & mid-century references converge in this amsterdam loft by dab studio’.
2023 | ad germany, ‘diese junge familie wagt in einem einstigen waisenhaus für jüdische mädchen den neuanfang’.
2023 | ad france, ‘dans le centre-ville d’amsterdam, une maison aux tons chaleureux’.
2023 | ad españa, ‘cómo diseñar una casa de estilo mid-century en 2023’.
2023 | elle decoration uk, ‘space-saving ideas in dab studio’s amsterdam apartment’.
2023 | ad italia, ‘l’incredibile trasformazione di un ex orfanotrofio di amsterdam in un nido di famiglia dalla palette autunnale’.
2023 | elle korea, ‘디자이너 부부의 집’.
2022 | sight unseen, ‘these moody interiors make us want to rip out everything and start over with dark wood and oxblood’.
2022 | residence, ‘binnenkijken bij lotte en dennis bruns van dab studio’.
2022 | elle decoration netherlands, ‘lotte en dennis bruns van dab studio wonen aan de amsterdamse keizersgracht’.
2022 | leibal, ‘family home zwaag by dab studio’.
2022 | elle decor españa, ‘una casa sencilla y cálida, decorada con recuerdos de viaje, muebles clásicos y vintage’.
2021 | life & thyme, ‘a day in amsterdam’s oud west’.
2020 | life & thyme post, ‘how recovering african crops could address lost cuisine’.
2019 | life & thyme, ‘chef adam sobel’s ode to sicily’.